The Best Poster Award rewards the best three eligible posters for their design quality, the clarity and pedagogy of their presentation, and the quality of the associated abstract. A jury of experts has visited and reviewed the posters during the dedicated sessions. The prizes has been awarded at the end of the conference, Tuesday, 10th Oct. at 16:45 pm.

Recipients of the Best Poster Award:

Paula Nuño Ruano of C2N for her poster "Brillouin Scattering in Subwavelength Silicon Waveguides"

Chao Zhang of Institut Néel for his poster "In the Pursuit of Single Photon Optomechanics : The Force Between Nanomechanical Resonators and Photonic Crystal Cavities"

Hamidreza Neshasteh of MPQ for his poster "Ultra-high frequency optomechanical rheology of liquids at the micron scale"

Jury members of the Best Poster Award:

Dr. Pierre-François COHADON, Associate Professor, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel
Dr. Daniel LANZILLOTTI KIMURA, CNRS Research Scientist, Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies (C2N)
Dr. Benjamin Pigeau, CNRS Research Scientist, Institut Néel 
Dr. Bahram Djafari Rouhani, Professor, University of Lille


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