Scope and Objectives of the Meeting

The GDR MecaQ gathers the French community of scientists sharing an interest for quantum optomechanics, nanomechanics, and associated phenomena and applications. This 8th edition of the Annual Meeting of the GDR MecaQ will focus on advances in the field, while at the same time open to related research fields. For more information, you may refer to the website dedicated to the activities of the GdR.

This Annual Meeting will be organized with 3 kinds of communication:

  • Tutorial talks: 1 h invited tutorials will be given by internationally renowned speakers who will introduce their research topic and present their latest advances.  

  • Contributed / Invited presentations (15 minutes): up to 10 contributed talks will be selected upon abstract submission. The organizing committee will promote contributions, following timeliness and availability criteria.

  • Contributed posters: All participants are invited to submit a poster contribution that will be discussed in the much-expected lively poster sessions.

For submitting a contributed presentation, please refer to the Registration section.

Registration and Abstracts Submission

Deadline for Registration & Abstract Submission:

22-09-2023 ! It's closed now.

The participation in the 8th Annual Meeting of the GdR MecaQ is free, however, registration is mandatory. 


Local Organizing Committee

Host organiser:

Xin Zhou, IEMN, CNRS

Yan Pennec, IEMN, Université de Lille

Bahram Djafari-Rouhani, IEMN, Université de Lille

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